Monday, June 14, 2004

mmm... starting

i think i started this out of curiousity than a serious urge scribble haikus on an online journal. but the possiblity of getting to know interesting people by giving them a peephole into my life is good an excuse to start blogging! maybe because i also met an interesting blogger, anita at a photography exhibition.
i finally posted some of my pictures of the nilgiris trek for the rest of the trekker team to view. i posted most of the pictures from the one and a half rolls of film that i shot with. its strange... six days... nilgiris... only few rolls... but i successfully manage to surprise myself with such stuff. but i think i was just being myself, i couldn't somehow come to terms with the set of new friends who seemed to actually feel this was a nice way to get their noisy kids oriented towards nature. i think i expected a group more involved and interested in the wildflowers, mountains hidden by the mist, the noise of the cicadas. my mistake. in the process of getting used to the group i completely ignored photography and ended clicking only a couple of pictures on day one...
tonight's dinner was such a gastronomic delight! lavannya's ryze aquaintance runs an excellent far eastern cuisine restaurant called the 'shiok' in indiranagar. i met madhu himself and he suggested(and cooked) us the perfect meal! and as always painted platter offered us yet another sinful desert, Chocophile this time.

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