Thursday, June 16, 2005

little boys around the temple

little boys around the temple, originally uploaded by Vivek M.

shot in 'harsh light'. no details. deliberate underexposure. deliberate composition.


Anonymous said...

all deliberate.. but what is it that u are trying to show?

how I feel-
I did not like the (zone 5) shadows of the walls and ofcourse the tree that seems to be coming out of the kids head does have me skewed.. and basically I unable to relate to the image though the emotion of the two kids on a cycle on a sunny afternoon is something I can empathise with but the portrayal is something that I could not understand and that got me skewed.. and threw my mind into a blank..

Vivek M said...

you missed the point again. what i am trying to show you is the mood of the place. the hot noon sun, the temple bull, so suggestive of a quintessential temple at the end of the street, two boys dangling on a bicycle, coconut trees of the south... well, but if your emotions are getting strongly skewed because of the trees falling behind the boys, i don't think you have opened your eyes enough. thanks for the comment anwyays.
by the way, remember that you are primarily focussed at getting the zone of the main subject right, you can't do much about the other elements. but then, i found the shadows quite pleasant...

Anonymous said...

it is unfortunate that u do not realise that there are many ways of perceiving an image.. there is no right or wrong.. to me the tree coming out of the boys head was distraction enough.. and that is my view.. open u'r eyes to that..

Anonymous said...

well.. the other thing I wished was that the picture be underexposed further to get deeper/darker shadows..

Vivek M said...

'there is no right or wrong..' correct. but there is an aesthetically better way. you obviously don't seem to think thats important.
'to me the tree coming out of the boys head was distraction enough..' this shows where your attention falls. i think its very insignificant and ignorable.
lastly let me make a point clear: i am trying to take the photography around me to another level. you seem to take this at a personal level right from the start, which no one did. its does only harm...

Anonymous said...

This gives me a really "sad-slipping away" feeling...something about the way the sun is palid milky-yellow rather, than the usual resplendent sunflower yellow incites a strange sense of malovalence in environment. The contrast of the light and dark adds to it as well...its hot..but yet so dark...But what truly unnerving is that the two boys prove their innocence since they are oblivious to this sort of, what should I say? bad energy... Wierd how something conventionally brilliant and beautiful like the sun, can seem so cold...all knowing...omnipotent...indifferent to the young boys with secret shiny eyes as time ticks by.....