Thursday, July 15, 2004

rumi... and love.

heres one of rumi's that i had put down on my hard disc quite sometime ago:

Now that your soul has entered my all-too-present flesh
And made with it a soul in kind,
Your each embarking thought,
The breathing swing and sway of your movement
Makes an impression on the wax of my surrendering will,
My mind is but a pillow
Indented by the flow of your passing thoughts.
My newly-moulded soul is alight with
Your pulsing grace, your secret deceptions
Have transformed dead stone to fire.
Each new day is a slow beginning
New lamentations rise
From the reed of my longing for your lip;
Your loving candour strokes the mouth of the reed
With a sweet languishing refrain.
My soul imitates and installs
Your moon’s soft milk-light in its chambers.
I mould myself to fit your form
Like a belt for the waist, even when
Your eye has tethered me with angry scowls
Turning me this way and that until
My distracted heart jumps out of itself.

-divan 2313.

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